hacksudo: search VulnHub – Walk-through – Tutorial

Name: hacksudo: search
URL: https://www.vulnhub.com/entry/hacksudo-search,683/
Release Date: 16 Apr 2021
Author: Vishal Waghmare
Difficulty Stated: Easy
Difficulty I found: Easy
Learning out of box : Great
OS used: KaliLinux 2021.1
Things you can learn from this VM: Enumeration, LFI, RFI, Privilege Escalation via PATH abuse & SUID.

Nmap showed only 02 ports were open.

Ran gobuster and found many interesting PHP webpages and directories.

search.php and search1.php seemed of some interest, so I looked at both.
search1.php had interesting comments in its source code.

RFI can be present in this, as this is getting/loading a PHP page.
Used wfuzz for fuzzing & finding the “PHP GET” parameter.

Verified our LFI by reading “/etc/passwd” file.

Non default users present on system were: “hacksudo, monali, john & search“.

Downloaded the “webshell.php” (https://github.com/drag0s/php-webshell/blob/master/webshell.php) on my Kali box.
Next made a php file “commandexe.php” on my Kali box. This will execute the command to download webshell.php file on hacksudo search box.

Next went to webshell.php.

Reverse shell.

Found a potential username and password in .env file.

Used “medusa” to brute force the users with the password in .env file.

Logged in as hacksudo via SSH & read user flag.

Navigated to “/home/hacksudo/search/tools” directory and found SUID binary with its source code present.

For privilege escalation, I made a “bash” file with “install” name and modified the $PATH variable.

Ran the SUID binary and got root shell. ^_^

Cracked the sha1 hash value inside the SQL db.

search.php vs search1.php source code comparison.



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